Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase. - MLK, Jr.
Courage is being scared to death...and saddling up anyway. - John Wayne
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. - Albert Einstein

Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Great Weekend

This has been a really great weekend; my neighbors sent me flowers, I was able to sleep all night last night (no hot flashes!!), and my brother, Max, came to visit all the way from snowy Washington D.C.  It was really great to see Max again, I haven't seen him since September 2009 and it was nice to spend time with him.  Cody really enjoyed having another male around to commiserate with as well.  On Friday I had lunch with the Pink Ribbon Cowgirls, a group of women who were diagnosed with breast cancer before the age of 40.  It was nice to meet people in my situation and to hang out with a group who knows what it is like to have breast cancer.  I really liked all of them, and am going to start going to more of their activities.  They asked me to join Team Survivor, a triathlon training group for survivors of cancer, and I was also asked to be a model at the annual Graphics Art Bra show in May.  I'm still debating being a model, since I'll be bald and not feeling great from chemo, but they all were excited and said they would help get me in the mood if need be.  The Art Bra show sounds like a lot of fun and I'm definitely going to attend with Cody.  For the show members of the community and the Breast Cancer Resource Center (BCRC) design bras that are then modeled, and sold to raise money, at the Art Bra show.  The bras each have a theme and tend to be whimsical.  Last year one bra was titled "Silicon Valley" and had computer parts sew onto it, another was a group of three bras title mighty bra (or Mardi Gras) and were decorated like a parade float.  It is a really interesting event and is the biggest fund raiser of the year for BCRC, which Pink Ribbon Cowgirls is a part of.  Since I am not the creative type, trust me I'm awful, and I want to enter a bra I'm putting out a call to all of you to send in ideas.  If you want to help with a bra let me know, and please don't get mad if I don't use your idea.  If I get a lot of ideas I'll figure out how to put them up on the blog for a vote.  The deadline for turning in the bras is April 16th.  That should be plenty of time for the creative ones, you know who you are, in the audience to get those juices flowing. 
Cody and I are off to Houston for my 8th round of chemo on Monday.  I can't believe how quickly time is going by.  Pretty soon I'll be done with chemo - June 1st - and on to my next round of treatment. 

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